Friday, October 19, 2012

You Gotta Walk The Dog!!!

In my early twenties I finally learned to maintain a daily habit of brushing & flossing my teeth, accompanied by regular dental visits.   My failure to make this commitment earlier had brought on tooth decay.  I ignored the decay which eventually resulted in bad breath, teeth fracture, pain, time off from work, and big bucks.

Same with dog walks.  Skipping the dog's walk spells eventual disaster.   A broad spectrum of problems ranging from obsessive compulsive behavior, destruction of personal property to fear biting & civil liability.  Activity keeps oxygen and other nutrients like blood sugar (glucose) at the right levels for the brain.  This results in improved brain function and definitely a happier dog.

Dogs need their walks.  Daily.  They are pack animals.  Dogs thrive on being on the move with their pack.  If a dog is part of a human family, his humans becomes his pack.  Dogs learn their rightful place within the family and society as a whole when they are exercised daily.

Some people are high energy; bike, hike, and run.  Without fail.  For years.  These people are likely to be successful with breeds (or a mixed combination of breeds) which need TWICE DAILY 90 minute HIKE recommended by the ASPCA.  Those are:

Australian Cattle Dog
Australian Shepherd Dog
Border Collie
Bull mastiff
English Sheepdog
Gordon Setter
Irish Setter
Shetland Sheepdog
Springer Spaniel

Whether you're a recovering couch potato, scheduling a vacation or your work schedule bites into your personal time, In-HomePetSitting. com or 585-506-6270.  We'll help keep your dog in tip-top shape for quiet evenings at home, with you.  

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