Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"A Horse, A Horse...,

There are mornings when I must be out the door by 6:30.  This means I have to rise in time to shower, brush my teeth, dress, and have breakfast.  Some of those days I grab apples and carrots and eagerly anticipate a drive on country roads.  Since the sun is not quite up above the horizon, I take my time & watch for deer and farmers on tractors crossing over to their fields.   I look forward to horse barn visits.  There is preliminary preparation involved and I know the owners appreciate the efforts I've take so they can confidently enjoy their time away.

One place I visit has a sweetheart of a gelding named Kirby.  Kirby is 21 years old and full of one horse-power.  He prefers carrots over apples before his face mask is placed and brushing can only occur when he is munching hay in his pasture.  After Kirby is set up for the day I muck the stall, spread clean shavings and wheel-barrow the manure out-back.  I make sure his water bucket and trough are full. I make a point of staying for a visit as horses are herd animals.  Being alone isn't what they were meant for.

Before sundown, I return and make sure Kirby is back in his stall.  I visit and say goodnight.

Horses are work.  Still, I do understand..., "My Kingdom For A Horse".

If you need larger pet sitting so you can schedule time away, contact us at In-Home Pet Sitting.

Tags: Horse Sitting, Pet Sitting

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