Grass is a great fertilizer for your lawn. You can mow with no need to rake. Unfortunately this doesn't hold true when you mow over poop. Then you get what I call Grassy Poop Pieces.
The pieces are a result of grass mixed in with fecal matter so finely that its comparable to cutting up a garbage bag into chunks and distributing on your lawn. It's a fast way to kill whatever grass lies beneath. I've seen burnt spots within the hour and if its left without pick-up, forget about seeing grass there until you've reseeded, watered and nursed the area.
Plus you've created a mist by arrogating the poop, which causes more grass damage. Likely, you've inhaled it as well. That's not good.
Pick it up.
The idea of doing this is yucky. Especially if the poop stinks, is runny and there's a lot.
You can control that. One of the reasons human mothers' are encouraged to breast feed is because a child's body is able to utilize and process breast milk efficiently. While changing diapers isn't at the top of any one's favorite thing to do, one filled by mother-milk by-products is more tolerable.
Its the same for our diapered adults. If they're being fed a plant-based diet, their diapers are easier to change than those of adults fed Santilac and other food substitutes. We found this true for ourselves when we made the decision to shift from a processed & meat based diet to one that is minimal-grain & plant focused. Exercise is definitely part of the picture.
The reason your dog's shit stinks is because of the following: You could be feeding your dog the equivalent of McDonald's, Burger King & Pizza Hut at every meal.
Maybe you've gone to natural feed and it has meat or fish.
You're overfeeding
The dog isn't exercised on a regular basis, consistent with it's breed type.
Dogs need to move and a big yard doesn't count. They are wired to move freely and go distances. Anything less will result in an overweight dog. Walk the dog & his poop will become firmer because his digestive system has processed the feed better.
Dogs that forge for themselves do not eat meat daily. Their diet consists of grubs, leaves, bees, insects, etc. When they do get meat, they gorge and that's okay if they did the work to get the meat. Our dogs don't need to do that. Food is handed to them in a bowl along with a filled bowl of fresh, room-tempered water, right? 2 times a day?
So the need for meat in their diet goes down drastically. Just like ours. Purchase a quality dry feed and supplement with excellent canned food once a week.
Just because your dog is weighs 50 pounds, doesn't mean you feed based on 50 pounds. Read the
label. Feed at the lower recommendation if you're not walking the dog. And like us, your dog will be irritable and "hungry" unless distracted. So go outside, play or walk. Then feed the "extra" for their pound range.
Back to the poop - do you mow or do you scoop?
When you scoop, use designated tools. a garden trowel and small rake, a lined bucket, surgical gloves/double gloved, plastic bags, etc.
Bag it or compost it?
Bag it. And before you place the bag in the trash, check with your waste removal company. They'll know the rules of your area. Some require double-bagging, still others will specify a bio-hazardous waste container marked as such.
Composting is not the answer unless you are willing to have a designated area specifically for animal waste removal. Dog fecal matter can not be used as fertilizer for your garden, ever.
Remember the sooner you get out there to scoop, the more likely your lawn will stay decent. Drench the spots with water.
When you're picking up after your dogs at home, don't let them watch you. Mama Dogs clean up after their babies and your dogs aren't puppies anymore. The chances increase that you'll be challenged for your alpha position at a later date.
Walks on lead are different, the dog is still under your authority. Challenges for alpha rarely occur. If you are walking off-lead, walk where your dog's dump doesn't matter. Chances are good a wild animal will clean-up on your behalf.
If you're thinking of adding to your dog family, honestly evaluate your life-style and the remaining available toilet area. Dogs, like cats, prefer their own space.
You can train your dog to toilet in a specific area. But again, what human wants to go in an over-filled outhouse or use a non-flushed toilet? Its the same for the dogs. Dogs are clean animals, they don't want to come any closer to excrement than they have to. And when it's winter, why would your dog want to squat further from the house as opposed to near the patio door - again, it's a matter of training yourself.
Good Luck & remember, you can always give me a call. 585-506-6270